Binge eating

Hi all. Can anyone tell me if binge eating is an autistic trait? I had a knee injury a few years ago and as a result of not being able to exercise I got a bit down, started eating a lot of crap, and my weight ballooned. Prior to this I was always in pretty good shape. I have in the last 7 months managed to lose 11 kilos, mainly because I felt so tired and lethargic all the time carrying the extra bulk. I did it by going on the keto diet which has worked well as I never seem to be hungry on it and I find it easy to be disciplined during the week. The downside of keto is that carbohydrates are severely restricted, and come the weekend I get this overwhelming urge to eat carbs. You could argue that it's just my body craving what I'm denying it but I have a feeling it's more to do with routine. Friday comes, I finish work early, on my way home I stop at a supermarket to buy myself a little treat because I've worked hard all week, then the minute I get inside the store I just fill my basket with a ridiculous amount of junk food (not all carbs I hasten to add). I sit watching TV on a Friday night stuffing myself until I almost feel sick because I bought way too much. I never leave any of the food for another day because my brain tells me I'm only allowed that one day to have treats. I hate food waste so I never throw any of it away. It's a cycle I've tried to break countless times, and to be fair to myself I am still losing weight despite my single day of gorging, but if I manage to deny myself on a Friday it just seems to roll over to a Saturday instead. If I try to limit myself to say just a bag of crisps, or a chocolate bar I get in a foul mood once I've eaten it because I always wish I'd got more and feel cheated. Anyone else relate?

  • It’s not that I cannot binge eat, but I don’t do it because it makes me feel revolting in my skin to have higher fat percentages, I’m 10% body fat atm moment and I feel so overloaded in myself. Sitting on chairs feels awful and wearing seat belts feels awful, Im just hoping that I can get back below the 7% mark so I can hope to feel normal again, but even then it’ll take a while for my skin to re-adjust..:(

  • I felt the same, and just cutting down on my food didn't seem to help. I'm not saying it's for everyone but keto is the only thing that's worked for me. I will try to go back to a regular diet when I reach my target weight but I have a feeling it won't be easy to keep what I've lost off.

    Good luck with whatever regime you plan to adopt to get your body fat down. It's so tough to be disciplined with our dietary intake, but worth the effort when you get results. The bit that perplexes me is that I know how much better I feel when I'm not overweight and yet still I let myself get to the point where my size disgusts me.

  • I felt the same, and just cutting down on my food didn't seem to help. I'm not saying it's for everyone but keto is the only thing that's worked for me. I will try to go back to a regular diet when I reach my target weight but I have a feeling it won't be easy to keep what I've lost off.

    Good luck with whatever regime you plan to adopt to get your body fat down. It's so tough to be disciplined with our dietary intake, but worth the effort when you get results. The bit that perplexes me is that I know how much better I feel when I'm not overweight and yet still I let myself get to the point where my size disgusts me.

  • You’ve got to account for your metabolism, you can’t lose weight as soon as you restrict calories, because you body notices the loss and builds on fat-reserves. The first symptom of a diet is weight-gain, though your body will adjust, it is annoying when you don’t have that knowledge.. weirdly the first thing that happens when you try to gain weight after a restricted diet is weight-loss..:’D

    Im not saying its a healthy strategy but I just keep calories below 1500, until my body figures it out, the only reason I gained the damned-weight is because of peer-pressure, and having forgotten why I keep a low body-fat percentage after such a long-time benign happy with my weight.. I lose the complex-carbs and dairy, and off I go..