Binge eating

Hi all. Can anyone tell me if binge eating is an autistic trait? I had a knee injury a few years ago and as a result of not being able to exercise I got a bit down, started eating a lot of crap, and my weight ballooned. Prior to this I was always in pretty good shape. I have in the last 7 months managed to lose 11 kilos, mainly because I felt so tired and lethargic all the time carrying the extra bulk. I did it by going on the keto diet which has worked well as I never seem to be hungry on it and I find it easy to be disciplined during the week. The downside of keto is that carbohydrates are severely restricted, and come the weekend I get this overwhelming urge to eat carbs. You could argue that it's just my body craving what I'm denying it but I have a feeling it's more to do with routine. Friday comes, I finish work early, on my way home I stop at a supermarket to buy myself a little treat because I've worked hard all week, then the minute I get inside the store I just fill my basket with a ridiculous amount of junk food (not all carbs I hasten to add). I sit watching TV on a Friday night stuffing myself until I almost feel sick because I bought way too much. I never leave any of the food for another day because my brain tells me I'm only allowed that one day to have treats. I hate food waste so I never throw any of it away. It's a cycle I've tried to break countless times, and to be fair to myself I am still losing weight despite my single day of gorging, but if I manage to deny myself on a Friday it just seems to roll over to a Saturday instead. If I try to limit myself to say just a bag of crisps, or a chocolate bar I get in a foul mood once I've eaten it because I always wish I'd got more and feel cheated. Anyone else relate?

Parents Reply Children
  • I feel relaxed when I start eating junk food, and irritated if I deny myself the treats, but I also feel regret after I've eaten far too much. It's as if I'm on a mission to fulfil a quota and don't realise I've overdone it until I've finished.