autistic pickle! socialising facebook

I went along to a meetup for an interest in vintage styles and bottled it and left due to social anxiety. 

anyway, the group have a facebook page, and I joined it a few times, but due to other circumstances I restarted a fresh facebook a couple of times over the past few years and closed down my old ones. This was due to some private trauma. 

I now have a new facebook and the trauma I mentioned is over, but the admins will not put me on the fb page, and I was hopping to attend some of the events later this year/next year. it is the only local vintage group there is. I think because I started off on the wrong foot due to having re-started a new FB several times (not that many maybe 2 in total and my current one equals 3) that they must have gotten sick of it or something. 

I had even purchased two handbags from one of the admin at the beginning of this year so she does know who I am. 

When I noticed that they were not adding me for some reason I messaged them telling them I had been through trauma but wanted to keep the trauma private, and said that this is going to be my perm fb page and apologised that I was having to ask to join again, and that I was very much looking forward to attending a future meetup. 

 I wander if they think it is strange that I left that time in the past in person (it was an afternoon tea thing and I just got nervous and left).

But if I tell them that the social anxiety is part of autism, then I worry that I would feel exposed as I usually do not come out as autistic as I am a very private person. 

any advice?

  • I almost feel that its like being back in secondary school when the popular gang of girls did not want me in their group (they did not want others in their group too.). Its like the mean girls club. But we are all adults of all ages, and it feels a bit silly rejecting like that.

  • It is hard.
    Sometimes we worry too much what other People are thinking when in fact they are probably
    busy thinking about their own life.
    Go easy on yourself. Relax a bit.

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