Autism Understood- brilliant website for autistic young people

Hello fellow autistic people! I have just found out about this brilliant website Autism Understood which is an encyclopaedia of autistic lived experience knowledge. You can also upload content or resources about autistic experience to this website. It was created by Spectrum Gaming and is a great and very positive introduction to autistic experience for our younger neurokin.

I hope you like the website as much as I do!

  • Thankyou so much for introducing this website. I have just spent the best part of my afternoon/evening reading this and learning much more about myself, and my autism, than I had known previously. I hope that this will, also, explain more to my partner and assist in a different way of thinking about my autism for opposed to it being seen as a negative and something that I need to change to fit in! I am a self-diagnosed autistic adult, finally starting to unmask at 52yrs old!!!!

  • You are very welcome! Congratulations on unmasking!

     I am so glad that this website has helped you understand your autistic profile, that is why it exists. Knowledge is power !

    I know it takes time but I hope at some point you will be proud of your autistic identity and that your partner will soon understand that there are many benefits to thinking differently.

    Take time to process your autistic identification, after all the autistic discovery journey is not linear.

    This video below may resonate with you:

    Common reactions to autistic discovery:

    If you want to share experiences or need advice from your neurokin about the autistic discovery journey, we are here for you! Smile

  • Thankyou. I am also starting to see that I am not alone in this world. It means a lotRelaxed

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