A warning for ASD people who are Vulnarable like i was.

Hi Everybody.

I am Lee. I used to post here on the NAS website quite often a few months ago.
My Medical issues took me into drink and prescription Drugs where i started posting unacceptable things that offended people.
I was not me.
I left NAS alone for a few months as not only did i offend,but i let myself down to.
Today, i have read an article in the Sun Newspaper that once again brought all the pain back.
It was the reason why my mental Health was compromised in the first place.
There is ONE person on this site that knows this, if you are reading, i hope you are well. You know who you are.
I appologise to anybody that i have previously and unintentinally offended on this site.
I will leave the link below, BUT i was taken in, and i thought i was a good judge of people.
I knew SOMETHING was not right, but it is only the last few years that have revealled the truth.
I have also spoken to Her parents,who,quite frankly have Dis-owned Her.
So,what is my point ? Simply this.... Those with ASD are targets, any weakness will be exploited by people like 
you will see in this link. Crazy ? NO. She was/ is a psychopath in the TRUE definition.
I thought i was reasonably intelligent, She tore me to shreds before moving onto the next one.
Be careful People, we all want to be loved, but not to the point of Destroyed.
You all take care.
God Bless.


  • I feel your pain. I encountered a wolf in sheep's clothing here too. Not on the scale you mention though. Just a grubby petty criminal who would sell their grandma for whatever small gains they can make for their next set of luxuries. All due apologies if that person was hacked themselves if course. 

    Pay very close attention to behaviour on all social interactions, stay on this site until you are really sure.. I had noticed a few discrepancies with the way this one person behaved, and giving the benefit of the doubt is dangerous.

    I'd say, don't leave. My big mouth gets me into trouble too, I probably underestimate my own combativeness sometimes. 

  • I feel your pain. I encountered a wolf in sheep's clothing here too. Not on the scale you mention though. Just a grubby petty criminal who would sell their grandma for whatever small gains they can make for their next set of luxuries. All due apologies if that person was hacked themselves if course. 

    Pay very close attention to behaviour on all social interactions, stay on this site until you are really sure.. I had noticed a few discrepancies with the way this one person behaved, and giving the benefit of the doubt is dangerous.

    I'd say, don't leave. My big mouth gets me into trouble too, I probably underestimate my own combativeness sometimes. 
