Lack of interest

Although I haven't been officially diagnosed as of yet, I have a strong suspection that I am on the autistic spectrum. Specifically, what I'm referring to is my interest in most things like listening to music or watching TV decreasing in recent years, often feeling like I'm on the outside looking in, and this is due to my lack of engagement. Additionally, I don't have much interest engaging in social activities, even though I know it will benefit me, and I do struggle with compassion too. If anyone can relate to feeling this way, it would mean a lot if you let me know.


  • Loss of interest in things you previously used to enjoy is typically listed as a symptom of depression.

    An autistic person will usually have fairly intense interests, not necessarily mainstream things. Those interests can change over time, so that when interest in one area wanes it is replaced by something else.

    A general lethargy and decrease in motivation can be a symptom of autistic burnout, which is often mistaken for depression. There is a good article here on burnout

  • Loss of interest in things you previously used to enjoy is typically listed as a symptom of depression.

    An autistic person will usually have fairly intense interests, not necessarily mainstream things. Those interests can change over time, so that when interest in one area wanes it is replaced by something else.

    A general lethargy and decrease in motivation can be a symptom of autistic burnout, which is often mistaken for depression. There is a good article here on burnout

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