Psychiatry UK forms and assessment

I received an email today from Psychiatry UK following my referral from my GP, it's taken just less than 6 weeks from the referral being sent, they've got me set up on their portal, I have to upload some ID and proof of address then complete a self reporting form and my husband complete a slightly different one. My form is 25 pages long and has 73 questions, and his is 16 pages and has 48 questions. Once we upload the completed forms they'll then arrange my assessment appointment which is via video call.

So far I've spent since about 11am this morning going through the questions and I think I'm nearly done, but it's an exhausting process. It feels like I'm doing a character assassination of myself at times but I'm being honest and truthful, even when it isn't positive. Oddly enough, I find the questions relating to what I struggle with easier to answer than some of the more subjective questions, like what are my aspirations? Or, what are my strengths? I really struggle to answer those types of questions.

Anyway, I just wanted to say what the process is like in case anyone else is going through it at the moment. And to just generally acknowledge that things are happening because writing about it helps me process it.

  • Hi Becky! Oh my gosh, how funny, I have just been through exactly the same process. Except I don't have a husband, so my mum filled out the other form (with my help). 

    I felt SO overwhelmed when they sent the forms to me it took me literally about 2 months to find the email again and open it and actually 'face the music' because it just felt like the questions - the number and length - were too too much. Anyway, I had a long train journey (there and back) and good train wifi, so I sat and filled most of these in on that trip which was good to help pass the time. I had to take breaks though, like a few days in between re-visiting and completing another chunk, revising my answers, etc. To make sure it was all 100% right. 

    I did my best, but I still feel like it wasn't good enough - maybe I could have been more clear or more concise. Or explained things better. 

    Like you I really struggled with my strengths and aspirations - I asked my mum for some input on these because I was drawing a blank.

    Anyway, well done! My assessment is in 1 week but I'm 99% sure they're going to confirm what we already know...


  • Hi Becky! Oh my gosh, how funny, I have just been through exactly the same process. Except I don't have a husband, so my mum filled out the other form (with my help). 

    I felt SO overwhelmed when they sent the forms to me it took me literally about 2 months to find the email again and open it and actually 'face the music' because it just felt like the questions - the number and length - were too too much. Anyway, I had a long train journey (there and back) and good train wifi, so I sat and filled most of these in on that trip which was good to help pass the time. I had to take breaks though, like a few days in between re-visiting and completing another chunk, revising my answers, etc. To make sure it was all 100% right. 

    I did my best, but I still feel like it wasn't good enough - maybe I could have been more clear or more concise. Or explained things better. 

    Like you I really struggled with my strengths and aspirations - I asked my mum for some input on these because I was drawing a blank.

    Anyway, well done! My assessment is in 1 week but I'm 99% sure they're going to confirm what we already know...


  • For once my hyperfocus was actually useful for something in completing the form. I think once I got myself into the right headspace to answer the questions it was just a case of sticking at it, although I did jump about between different sections so did it in a different order, basically as things popped up in my mind I did that bit.

    I hope you're assessment goes well. If you don't mind me asking, how long did you have to wait between submitting the forms and your appointment?