Life is hard

I find life as an adult on the spectrum extremely difficult.

It doesn't help that there's no support for adults. Go for support and then they set mental health services on you.

I wish there was proper support out there for autism.

I wish life was easier.

  • I wish there was proper support out there for autism

    I have an open question for those contributing here:

    What support do you think you want / need?

    I agree there is a lack of support services for adults, especially those of us with relatively low support needs.

    The solution is probably to use a forum (like this one) to build up some online services to help ourselves. We may even be able to apply for grant money (lottery etc) for this but we first need to work out what it should look like?

    Any ideas to throw into the ring?

    I was going to suggest setting up workshops via a zoom call for things like:

    - how to manage anxiety

    - ideas to get / keep a job

    - ideas to make friends and understand the "social code"

    Socially there may be space for resources for finding clubs in our special interest areas, book reviews about autism and related subjects (ADHD, alexithymia etc) and maybe classes from anyone with a special interest that would be up for sharing more high level info about their hobby.

    This forum is still the best solution for specific questions in my opinion as it remains a searchable resource for others to reference.

    Any other ideas?

  • I think we ought to get a dispensation to openly carry firearms. 

    That'd cut down on the piss taking and general abuse we get handed out so casually...

  • i'm up for that, but those who go into government do so because they want power over others. gun control has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with those in government feeling they have power over a subjugated population.  ... so unless you are a state 'enforcer', you wont be given anything that would enhance your power and lead to those in power feeling less powerful.

  • i'm up for that, but those who go into government do so because they want power over others. gun control has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with those in government feeling they have power over a subjugated population.  ... so unless you are a state 'enforcer', you wont be given anything that would enhance your power and lead to those in power feeling less powerful.

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