
Does anyone really concentrate when driving, avoiding chatting to passengers

  • If I am driving I can do navigation and driving or talking and driving. If you're talking to me when I'm driving we're going to miss turns etc no end. Chatty passengers are a nightmare. When I'm in unfamiliar territory / complex constant lane change city centres, music has to be turned down too. I don't feel I have the time required to work out what lane I need to be in according to whatever the often ambiguous signage is saying, which leads to a sense of pressure. Doesn't help that other drivers tend to be unforgiving imbeciles who have problems with people needing to change between lanes. Some of the most childish behaviour is that I see of drivers on the roads.

    Who ever came up with the idea of marking the intended use of lanes with painted words, on the roads themselves which have cars on top of them most of the time needs a stern talking to too.

    Also before the age of the sat nav, remember using the motorways when they're full of HGVs in the nearside lane blocking visibility of the exit signs? The whole system is a design nightmare.

    There's a few places on the ring road here there are two lanes to exit the roundabout to go straight on which immediately merge into one lane, the reason for this, obviously, from a traffic engineering perspective is to prevent back pressure on the roundabout which would block up perpendicular flow of traffic however, there are people who exit the roundabout then immediately straddle both lanes to prevent traffic from passing them on their way to the merge point several hundred yards later on. They seem to see this as some sort of queue and people would be "pushing in" as opposed to an intentional design to get traffic clear of the roundabout. IMHO these people should be banned from driving :)

    As an overall experience, I'll avoid driving if I can at peak / busy times. It drives me mad having to deal with other people on the roads and the sense of being trapped due to traffic or other people making their own senseless decisions really irritates me.

    Anyway, bit of a rant. :)

  • If I am driving I can do navigation and driving or talking and driving. If you're talking to me when I'm driving we're going to miss turns etc no end. Chatty passengers are a nightmare. When I'm in unfamiliar territory / complex constant lane change city centres, music has to be turned down too. I don't feel I have the time required to work out what lane I need to be in according to whatever the often ambiguous signage is saying, which leads to a sense of pressure. Doesn't help that other drivers tend to be unforgiving imbeciles who have problems with people needing to change between lanes. Some of the most childish behaviour is that I see of drivers on the roads.

    Who ever came up with the idea of marking the intended use of lanes with painted words, on the roads themselves which have cars on top of them most of the time needs a stern talking to too.

    Also before the age of the sat nav, remember using the motorways when they're full of HGVs in the nearside lane blocking visibility of the exit signs? The whole system is a design nightmare.

    There's a few places on the ring road here there are two lanes to exit the roundabout to go straight on which immediately merge into one lane, the reason for this, obviously, from a traffic engineering perspective is to prevent back pressure on the roundabout which would block up perpendicular flow of traffic however, there are people who exit the roundabout then immediately straddle both lanes to prevent traffic from passing them on their way to the merge point several hundred yards later on. They seem to see this as some sort of queue and people would be "pushing in" as opposed to an intentional design to get traffic clear of the roundabout. IMHO these people should be banned from driving :)

    As an overall experience, I'll avoid driving if I can at peak / busy times. It drives me mad having to deal with other people on the roads and the sense of being trapped due to traffic or other people making their own senseless decisions really irritates me.

    Anyway, bit of a rant. :)

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