Why is the government trying to genocide us

Why is the government trying to genocide us

  • Why is the government trying to genocide us

    Without us they have no taxpayers and therefore nobody to pay their inflated expenses.

    Besides, given the governments incredible show of incompetence over the last 30 years of so, do you honestly believe they would be capable of pulling off something of this nature?

    You give them far too much credit.

    Then again I worked for the government once for a year (hence my knowledge of how truly inept they are) so I may just be a part of the conspiracy. Hmmm

  • Why is the government trying to genocide us

    Without us they have no taxpayers and therefore nobody to pay their inflated expenses.

    Besides, given the governments incredible show of incompetence over the last 30 years of so, do you honestly believe they would be capable of pulling off something of this nature?

    You give them far too much credit.

    Then again I worked for the government once for a year (hence my knowledge of how truly inept they are) so I may just be a part of the conspiracy. Hmmm
