Experience of old people with autism/Asperger’s

Hi There, 

I am autistic and have an interest in the history of autism. I often wonder if autism has been around for hundreds of years but people never thought much of it back then. I think people back in the day would just look at us and think “oh he’s just quiet” or “oh she’s a bit shy but has a heart of gold” that kind of thing. I mean I never would have guessed I was autistic I really don’t feel disabled I just feel like a normal person who’s got a different mind. 

is there anyone here from say the 40’s 50’s or 60’s that would like to share what being an autistic child was like back then when nobody knew what autism was? It must have been difficult feeling different but not knowing why. 

  • My Granny's recently been diagnosed.

    She was born in 1934 and she spent a lot of childhood getting in trouble for being a problem child cause her parents didn't understand.

    But after mine and my sister's diagnosis she also got assessed and now she's just been diagnosed.

    She feels so happy and positive about it and says she's glad to finally know.

    At one point when she was little they were talking about institutionalising her to "cure" her.

    So sad how close minded people were back then.

    Nice to meet you by the way! I'm Violet


  • My Granny's recently been diagnosed.

    She was born in 1934 and she spent a lot of childhood getting in trouble for being a problem child cause her parents didn't understand.

    But after mine and my sister's diagnosis she also got assessed and now she's just been diagnosed.

    She feels so happy and positive about it and says she's glad to finally know.

    At one point when she was little they were talking about institutionalising her to "cure" her.

    So sad how close minded people were back then.

    Nice to meet you by the way! I'm Violet


  • that's awesome that your granny has got diagnosed and is so positive about it, I get the impression that a lot of older people won't take those steps because they think they are 'too old'

  • Living as an autistic person through the 2nd world war must have been a traumatic experience . I’m glad she finally got the answer she needed. Wow it’s crazy looking back with hindsight as there would have been no point institutionalising her as they wouldn’t have been able to cure it anyway especially since they didn’t even know what it was they were dealing with.