My crush or friend

So now I've known this girl for 5 years. I have a crush on her and I love her kisses from her and I turned red when she kissed me on the hand. She's my first kiss. I had my first kiss on Monday 8 August 2022. And now I want more kisses from her, me and her have had 6 kisses in total and that's impossible now because of 2 reasons, because the club that we both go to says kissing is inappropriate and last Monday I asked her to kiss me and she said no. She doesn't even want to meet up outside the club so I can kiss her. All my friends and the club leaders say I can't kiss my crush inside the club. I promised my youth leaders I won't kiss anyone. I keep on getting in trouble for trying to kiss girls.

I phoned her today and she said over the phone that she will tell my youth leader if I don't leave her alone and when I asked her to go out to town with her.


I really want a girlfriend and that I can kiss.

Parents Reply Children
  • I will find another club and move away from this girl and find a new one.

  • Lets be blunt. The odds are she will never change her mind and want to date you. But any chance there is of that is reduced by you chasing her or otherwise showing her lots of attention. In all probability she thinks of you as a friend. Otherwise I can't see why she would proactively contact you to make small talk after the drama of her turning you down. The only way she might reconsider you as a romantic interest, and I emphasise the word 'might' here, is if it becomes clear she can't have you as just a friend.

    on top of that you two trying to 'just be friends' isn't working because deep down you don't want to just be friends and you can't keep your feelings bottled up. So stop being friendly. Ignore her a bit more. The result will either be

    • She decides actually her feelings of missing you amount to more than missing a friend or
    • You move on and find another girl.

    Personally I think the latter is more likely.