Have you used brain in hand

Hi All, my partner has asd and as you know it affects her whole life. we know it will never be what people call normal. what we are looking at is will the brain in hand [https://braininhand.co.uk/] device help her get through the day with less stress/shut downs/ melt downs a week

Or will it make the stress/ shut downs/melt downs shorter [half a hour shut down is better then half day]

I know they will never disappear but can the device help ??

I am very interested to hear back from anyone that has used it

many thanks 

  • I've not used it yet but I saw it at The Autism Show recently and have asked that it's added on to my Disabled Students' Allowance package. To me, it seems more like an app which helps you to organise yourself, plan things and manage your anxiety, etc. with strategies which work for you. So I suppose it depends what your partner's triggers are for meltdowns, shutdowns, etc. I have seen some negative feedback when I posted about it on a Facebook group and others had used it, but it might be worth looking into yourselves and seeing if it seems like something which would help. Sorry I can't be much more help than that! 

  • I've not used it yet but I saw it at The Autism Show recently and have asked that it's added on to my Disabled Students' Allowance package. To me, it seems more like an app which helps you to organise yourself, plan things and manage your anxiety, etc. with strategies which work for you. So I suppose it depends what your partner's triggers are for meltdowns, shutdowns, etc. I have seen some negative feedback when I posted about it on a Facebook group and others had used it, but it might be worth looking into yourselves and seeing if it seems like something which would help. Sorry I can't be much more help than that! 

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