Goodbye and good luck


Just wanted to say to everyone I have spoken to and befriended on here, I have decided to leave the forum

This used to be my safe space where I felt it was a loving community of autistic people who, while we may not fit in with the outside word, supported each other and helped each other through life

I've just logged on here for the first time in a month and my goodness, half an hour on here has caused me more stress than being on Twitter!
What an utterely horrible, poisonous place this has become, full of argueing and name calling and labelling. Anyone who disagrees with certain people on here is belittled and verbally abused to an extent that would get you arrested in the real world. What a sad state of affairs

Ive tried to start positive posts but, to be honest, I just dont have the energy. The outside world is exhausting enough without all the garbage on here.

I have a pretty content, well balanced life these days and I don't want to be involved in what this place seems to have become. 

I honestly want to say though, in my early days of learning about my autism, this place kept me going and helped me make sense of it all. To everyone who has ever said a kind word to me or shown me kindness on here, thank you. There are some truly, unique, lovely people on this place and each and every one of the kind ones on here has a special place in my heart. I wish you well for the future.

Maybe I will come back on here one day if it ever gets back to what it used to be

In the meantime, good luck and Godbless!

  • It would be a pity if you didn't return as I have enjoyed your friendly posts about down to earth things. I have just read some of the posts people are referring too and think it is sad when someone starts a post for ideas or a friendly chat and it becomes something else.

    I tend to mostly look at the light hearted posts and find the argument type posts unhelpful as well as difficult to follow. I hope things improve on here and you feel able to come back again sometime. 

  • I think I may stay on the site and just avoid the arguementative posts. It might be better for my mental health than leaving altogether 

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