Arguments on the forum

I don't know about others, but I'm getting a little concerned that the arguments will put off new members.

Quite often people join and then disappear quite quickly.

I've been involved in these myself on occasion, so I'm not innocent.

However, maybe the mods could create a section where these potentially contentious threads could be placed that had a heading like NSFW (a new one on me but it seems to be well known).

If a seemingly innocuous thread then turns into a constant argument, perhaps it could be moved to there.

It's sometimes interraction between older males and older females (or non binary etc) and comes down to very different relationship/*ex points of view but can of course stem from any subject and any set of contributors.

I think it happens more often than it once did, and I've not been here a year yet.

Parents Reply
  • You get in sticky territory when you start attributing harm to words with out having to point to where the harm falls. Who was injured, who lost money, how was their daily life limited or threatened? If it's just hurt feelings, well someones feeling can be hurt by almost anything, serious or trivial, reasonable or unreasonable, it can all hurt someones feelings somewhere. That's why crimes involving speech ought to be linked to tangible harm. Like threatening violence or defamation. You ought to be able to show some one actually spread missinformation about you not just that they expressed an opinion you don't like or a joke you felt that went to far.

    Now if we're talking about forum standards I'd say you can and should go further and also ban uncivil speech towards others on the forum. This for example is not illegal speech but it's not exactly civil. But we can and must distinguish between criticism of people and the lifestyles and identities people may espouse. And we also need to distinguish between criticism and hate directed towards people. There is a difference between saying "I don't agree with people doing X" and saying "I think X people should go die."
