in limbo

Hi, i live in the only region in Scotland that doesn't do diagnosis for adult autism.

My mental health nurse has managed to get an assessment for me, but i think it will

be by a mental health team still within the region, but they will have more say in me

getting a referal to an assessment outwith the region.......i know it doesn't make much sense!

I'm just worried what kind of things they will ask. The nurse has had numerous meetings

to try and get assessments for me and has simply been told that autism is neurological 

and not mental health, so that is one of many reasons why it has been a blank wall.

Thankfully she seems to have got to a different team of people this time. I scored highly

with an assessment from her and from a couple of GPs, but i can't say that i have

autism until there has been an official diagnosis. Just anxious about what it will involve,

how long it will take, etc. To add to everything, I have epilepsy....another neuro condition!......

and the stress of being in limbo is not helping......oh and going through the perimenopause also.

Nightmare! Anyone who could tell me what an assessment is like, type of questions, how long it

takes, etc, I would be really glad. I realise that the mental health team might simply say no to me

having an assessment outwith the region and i also realise that even having an assessment

might also result, but i just want to know one way or the other. We certainly are living in weird times.

thank you for reading this,


  • Generally the assessment involves two (I think it was two) questionnaires to be filled in where you score how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement and they cover your current experience as well as what you were like as a child (this is intended to be done by a parent, so someone else can speak to what they do if that's not an option). 

    Then the actual assessment is two sessions. One is basically an interview where they ask you about what it's like to be you. The other is a practical thing where you're asked to do tasks like demonstrate an activity, describe what's happening in a picture book, tell a story using objects. I think my sessions were maybe an hour or so each but I've seen pretty varied lengths. 

  • Ive just had my assessments and completed questionnaires. I took my time to complete mine as I was never sure if I had completed enough information. I wouldnt of done much differently though, i felt I was honest and also gave the background mental health system history where I MAY of ended up as a result of autism who knows! Wish you all the best. Im awaiting outcome. 

  • Ive just had my assessments and completed questionnaires. I took my time to complete mine as I was never sure if I had completed enough information. I wouldnt of done much differently though, i felt I was honest and also gave the background mental health system history where I MAY of ended up as a result of autism who knows! Wish you all the best. Im awaiting outcome. 

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