Delete My Account Please.

Hello Moderator people . Delete My Account please. 

When I was 'DIAGNOSED' with Autism . I was advised by the Psychiatrist that I should visit the National 'AUTISTIC' Society. I heeded her Advice only to discover there are a large number of people here that are not Autistic at all and more than likely feeding one delusion or another. I believed this was a place for genuine Autistic people , hence the name 'National Autistic Society' . Now I no longer trust this community but that is the nature of people DECIEFUL and EVIL. Doom upon all the world and eternal blessings to nature and wildlife forever may it flourish when humanity is no more . 

I am me and will always be 

Delete my account please moderators Fox

DO NOT reply to this post. Leave me alone.  

Parents Reply Children
  • If you really wished that, making a public rigmarole of leaving is not the best way of doing so. Your post is inflammatory to a degree, whether you meant it to be, or not. You cannot be surprised if telling a bunch of autistic people - many of whom have clinical diagnoses of ASD/C - that they are not autistic, provokes responses. That the responses have been kindly overall is a testament to the generous humanity of the people on this site.