It's Official I am Autistic - Thank you for your support

It's official she rang this morning at age 51 and a lifetime of struggling I have been diagnosed as Autistic which has been a large contribution to  my other diagnosis's of CPTSD and OCD. After a long battle to get these answers I currently feel elated and want to shout it from the roof tops. But I also know how my brain works and I know there is a big come down coming at the sadness I will feel of what could have been if I had been diagnosed sooner. My report should arrive in a couple of weeks and she said she has put quite a few recommendations in to make sure I get the right support, so I will wait for that. She did tell me over the phone but after she gave the diagnosis I could not take anything else in.

So thank you guys for helping me keep calm yesterday, it really did help Slight smile. Now I need to start unmasking and work out who the real me is, and how to manage getting overwhelmed by so much and what all the triggers are.  Feels like another long journey, but having this space to talk to people who are similar to me and understand is so reassuring. So thank you again everyone x

  • One other question, how did you tell people your diagnosis, at the moment I feel like I want to tell the whole world. Is that a bad idea? What did you all do? I think this is me trying to find redemption after being judged  and made fun of most of my life for being different 

  • Congrats on your dx.  Joyous!

    In terms of how / if / when you tell people, I recommend that you trawl through old threads in this place about that topic.  It's a complicated matter that needs consideration and thought.  People on these pages often report surprise at the reactions that are elicited by a declaration of autism.

    Again - I'm pleased for your news.

  • Congrats on your dx.  Joyous!

    In terms of how / if / when you tell people, I recommend that you trawl through old threads in this place about that topic.  It's a complicated matter that needs consideration and thought.  People on these pages often report surprise at the reactions that are elicited by a declaration of autism.

    Again - I'm pleased for your news.

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