CV Disclosure

Hi All and Hello,

I've just joined the commnunity - I'm in my early 50's and was diganosed ASD 18 months ago after a period of particularly poor mental health led to burn out and me being out of work for a year.

I am now also awaiting dignosis for ADHD.   

I have tried to return to full time work in my previous career managing Engineering Projects however it quickly became apparent to me that after all the years of struggling to get on first in school and then in the workplace I simply do not have the energy anymore to 'mask' my autism and try to 'keep up' in a neurotypical environment. I am currently working 2 days per week on a contract basis handing over my project and find that challenging to maintain.

I know that I need to find a different less demanding job that is more sustainable - as such it would seem logical to me to state that I am autistic on my CV to allow prospective employers to understand why I am changing career, make adjustments and set clear expectations as to what I struggle with as well as what I am good at, however all the advice on line seems to suggest that you shouldn't and I cant find a good example of how to introduce this on a CV.

So my question to the community is what are peoples thoughts - is it best to disclose on your CV or not?

Many Thanks


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