Confused diagnosis

Hi, I had an assessment the other day with a psychiatrist, his conclusion was, that I have ADHD and 'autism spectrum'. Also that if 'autism spectrum condition' was a diagnosis he would give me that but he was unable to diagnose that as the 'rules' say Drs can only diagnose 'Autism spectrum disorder.' Can anyone clarify this for me as I thought being on the spectrum covered it? 

  • ASC is ASD it's just a less medicalised term. He should have just put ASD according to the DSM-5 for legal reasons and then let you call it ASC if you choose to disclose.
    They shouldn't not give you an official diagnosis just because the wording is imperfect, my official diagnosis is over 25yrs old and has the name of a Nazi sympathizer peice of crap (rhymes with ass burgers) on my file for life, they know better nowadays but that doesn't change that it's alwasy been relevant regardless of the terrible label.
    Tell your GP and report it to the PALS service, you have been denied an important diagnosis based on absolutely no reason.

  • ASC is ASD it's just a less medicalised term. He should have just put ASD according to the DSM-5 for legal reasons and then let you call it ASC if you choose to disclose.
    They shouldn't not give you an official diagnosis just because the wording is imperfect, my official diagnosis is over 25yrs old and has the name of a Nazi sympathizer peice of crap (rhymes with ass burgers) on my file for life, they know better nowadays but that doesn't change that it's alwasy been relevant regardless of the terrible label.
    Tell your GP and report it to the PALS service, you have been denied an important diagnosis based on absolutely no reason.
