57 Yr old hubby

Hi I've had suspicions for a while my hubby might be on the spectrum. He is mildly dyslexic and hard of hearing. There are things he does which point towards autistic behaviour. He finds it difficult to 'get a joke' I have to explain to him when I'm being sarcastic etc, he doesn't like to be touched, he is v processy, he talks and over shares with so many people. He doesn't understand about be cautious with his words, he rarely asks questions but talks about himself, a big one yest was our neighbours where having a party in their garden and he stood looking over the fence. I was mortified. I tried to explain this wasn't normal behaviour. 

Don't get me wrong, I know I can't change him at his age but I'd just like to share my experiences and see if anyone else is in the same position and come across similar things with their partner.  Thanks