Good little BBC animation on autism

From BBC Ideas: ''There's no one way to be autistic''

… although the masking bit is slightly reductive (that old problem of making it sound entirely wilful and not reflexive) but given  it’s 4 minutes it’s not a bad job on the broad brushstrokes.

  • Thanks for sharing!

    I think this animation is great, Sara Gibbs brilliantly describes the diversity of our autistic community, whilst also highlighting the life changing impact of autistic identification. I really like the way she describes autistic strengths.

     I particularly like the quote at the end of the video ‘being autistic is the blueprint for who I am.’ I completely agree.

    Also this is another opportunity to recommend her book Drama Queen, it is very funny!

    Another related point, I really like the BBC Ideas website because some of the videos are really interesting.

  • Thanks for sharing!

    I think this animation is great, Sara Gibbs brilliantly describes the diversity of our autistic community, whilst also highlighting the life changing impact of autistic identification. I really like the way she describes autistic strengths.

     I particularly like the quote at the end of the video ‘being autistic is the blueprint for who I am.’ I completely agree.

    Also this is another opportunity to recommend her book Drama Queen, it is very funny!

    Another related point, I really like the BBC Ideas website because some of the videos are really interesting.

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