Good little BBC animation on autism

From BBC Ideas: ''There's no one way to be autistic''

… although the masking bit is slightly reductive (that old problem of making it sound entirely wilful and not reflexive) but given  it’s 4 minutes it’s not a bad job on the broad brushstrokes.

  • Thanks, it’s really well made, Sara’s book was the first thing I ever read on autism, I then listened to her podcasts  Aut-hour where she interviews other autistic authors, really enjoyed them, I follow her on Twitter, there’s never a dull moment. My favourite quote is, “ you call it unmasking, I call it having unprotected autism.”

  • Thanks, it’s really well made, Sara’s book was the first thing I ever read on autism, I then listened to her podcasts  Aut-hour where she interviews other autistic authors, really enjoyed them, I follow her on Twitter, there’s never a dull moment. My favourite quote is, “ you call it unmasking, I call it having unprotected autism.”

  • That’s a great quote - I’d never framed the concept quite like that even in my own head (though I was most of the way there, just needed that slight further tilt of the mirror that just the right phrase can assist with).