Sia - the diagnosis

When I woke up yesterday morning I had never heard of Sia or the film Music (Yeah ok!  I was born in the 60s and am behind the times, it would seem, lol).  Goggle tells me that Music has been a bit controversial.  I watched the film last night I see why.  No, "crushing" autistic people "with love" mid meltdown is the last thing anyone should try.  Bloomin' dangerous!  No, she didn't pick an autistic actor and yes, the character Music does only seem to be there to further the stories of the other protagonists. So, ooooh yes, I do see why.

Anyway, Sia was brought to my attention because apparently, she has just announced that she is late diagnosed autistic!  That said I see posts here a year old on the topic, so I'm a bit as to how recent this really is.

Sia says she's on autism spectrum two years after Music controversy | Metro News - dated this week

With that the Metro approached the NAS for comment on being late diagnosed from some actually late diagnosed people.  Amanda and I from the Now I Know campaign obliged. Actually, I quite like the article.  They've picked three very different experiences.  And it is great to be given the chance to open public eyes, so I'm happy about that.

What it's like to be diagnosed as autistic as an adult | Metro News - today

I'm curious now though to see whether and how perceptions of Sia might have changed. And whether people think it will be helpful for the public to know her story in the same way that other public figures disclosing their diagnosis, say the lovely Chris Packham, Christine McGuiness, Melanie Sykes and Fern Brady, have done. 

I understand Sia later apologised for her approach in Music and recognises now that she is both in recovery from alcoholism and getting to know her autistic self.  As a Spiritualist, I do rather believe that the path of change and growth is open to all, and we don't have to suffer forever for their mistakes.  We've all made them, after all.

So, what are folk's feelings about the latest celebrity autism reveal, given the context?

  • Hi Dawn,

    This is the first I've heard about Sia being autisitic, but I am most certainly not shocked.  Sia is an artist with such an individualistic and independent presentation of musical and artistic genius and passion.............what else could it have been = obviously autism !!!!

    Go team Autism.

    In terms of how I feel about the current celebrity "reveal" vibe in terms of all manner of ND.......I'm just glad I came to understand my ND story before there was a strong whiff of it being somehow "cool" or appropriate to go proud, loud and wide.  I'm a private person who likes to deal with matters privately where possible and I can't really understand what "celebrity culture" really means.  I find "all things celebrity"  a bit boring and therefore irrelevant to my life.

  • As do I. Not a reader of OK and that.

    I do think that autistic celebs have a special platform, though, which comes with great responsibility.

    If they use it well they can be a force for great good. But if they don't get it right, the opposite is true.

  • Indeed.  I think a good lady called Holly would agree with that at the moment.....and I also wholly agree with you.  With great power (aka influence), comes great responsibility.  Another reason why it might be best if celebrities kept more quite about matters they are struggling into (just like the rest of us.)  I'm not sure that trying to share a personal "enlightenment" translates well through the broadcast mouth of a celebrity type - especially without sufficient time for them to reflect and feel some misdirection and unsuredness without the complication of outside people peering and pawing all over then.  I would wish to hear from types who don't particularly want to be "heard" from !!

    Then again Dawn - I'm "Number" for God's sake.....what does that even mean !

    I really don't think my opinion matters.  The celebrity supertanker sailed a long time ago - I wasn't on it.

    Thanks for raising Dawn = interesting.

  • Oh you matter.

    Personally, I think it depends on the celeb. When they've processed their experience and thought it through, they can dig into the important stuff not their own egos. This can then reach a wide audience none of us could because we're not TV presenters or models, etc. Chris Packham and Chritine McGuiness have produced useful documentaries. 

    I hope Sia can turn things around and do the same eventually. 

  • Oh you matter.

    Personally, I think it depends on the celeb. When they've processed their experience and thought it through, they can dig into the important stuff not their own egos. This can then reach a wide audience none of us could because we're not TV presenters or models, etc. Chris Packham and Chritine McGuiness have produced useful documentaries. 

    I hope Sia can turn things around and do the same eventually. 

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