How was school for you?

I have noticed questions by carers about their children during lunch breaks. This got me thinking of my own experience.

I left school over 40 years ago and it is only in the last few years I realized I was autistic.

When I was at school a lot of lessons were quite formal which suited me. However when it came to lunchtime as all the schools I went to were nearby I went home for lunch. In the Junior school quite a few people went home for lunchtime which was nearly an hour and a half. Most occasions when I stayed it was for a club but I didn't like being at school for the whole day and especially the long lunch break.

I wonder if modern schools are more of a challenge for autistics.

  • Thank you for all your replies. I have just thought of a couple of historical things. My grandfather was at school post World War I and told me there were no teachers in his playground so the children had to sort out any problems between them. My father was at school during the second World War and said all the children at Primary went home lunchtime except a few who came in from the farthest side of the town. 

  • The further back you go in time, it seems the worse children were treated.

    I worked with a Catholic chap about a decade older than me and he went to a Catholic school where his left hand was repeatedly hit with the side of the ruler by a teacher to force him to use his right hand.

    My mum went to a school for delicate children but was shut in a cupboard for hours on end for talking.

    Interesting re your family.

  • My Nan had a private tutor when she was a girl who used to hit her on the hand and leg with a thick wooden ruler.

    Sadly back then especially there was a lot of mistreatment with children.

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