How was school for you?

I have noticed questions by carers about their children during lunch breaks. This got me thinking of my own experience.

I left school over 40 years ago and it is only in the last few years I realized I was autistic.

When I was at school a lot of lessons were quite formal which suited me. However when it came to lunchtime as all the schools I went to were nearby I went home for lunch. In the Junior school quite a few people went home for lunchtime which was nearly an hour and a half. Most occasions when I stayed it was for a club but I didn't like being at school for the whole day and especially the long lunch break.

I wonder if modern schools are more of a challenge for autistics.

  • primary school was ok for me. the classes were taught good and controlled and my brain felt like it had a workout... i was lonely at lunch times but i seemed to have deluded myself into believing that i had some friends even though looking back it was plainly obvious they wasnt my friends, which became more obvious when they turned on me to the very end of primary school and start of high school.

    high school was bloody aweful and chaotic and full of chavs and bullies wanting to find anyone to pick on to elevate themselves.... they didnt even stop in lesson too, lessons were not taught because the teacher had no control of the class and the teachers that tried to be strict and reign in the class ended up getting pelted with hard back books in their face. so no, high school is a absolute avoid and no go zone for anyone whether they are autistic or anything else. i wouldnt even reccomend a NT go to high school, id reccomend they all be closed down and introduce some other form of discipline or teaching.

  • Yes I agree that High School is a lot more challenging, too many people and as Desmond said a bit like warzones at times.  I would not like to be a teacher in one. I wonder if there is anything else equivalent with often over a thousand students many who don't want to be there.

  • Yes I agree that High School is a lot more challenging, too many people and as Desmond said a bit like warzones at times.  I would not like to be a teacher in one. I wonder if there is anything else equivalent with often over a thousand students many who don't want to be there.

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