How was school for you?

I have noticed questions by carers about their children during lunch breaks. This got me thinking of my own experience.

I left school over 40 years ago and it is only in the last few years I realized I was autistic.

When I was at school a lot of lessons were quite formal which suited me. However when it came to lunchtime as all the schools I went to were nearby I went home for lunch. In the Junior school quite a few people went home for lunchtime which was nearly an hour and a half. Most occasions when I stayed it was for a club but I didn't like being at school for the whole day and especially the long lunch break.

I wonder if modern schools are more of a challenge for autistics.

  • early schooling ... 'kin miserable - really struggled with the friend thing.
    middle school ... 'kin miserable - bullied (including psychological bullying by a teacher)
    high school ... maybe slightly less 'kin miserable ... but not by much.

  • That must have been really hard with the teacher when they are meant to help.

  • indeed.  I am dyslexic as well as autistic.  they could see that i was a bright kid, but in some subjects i did really badly. Because they didn't 'believe in' dyslexia, the only reason they could see for why i did badly in their subject was because i was lazy in their class ... which i guess they took as a personal insult. so to them i guess i deserved everything i got... 

  • indeed.  I am dyslexic as well as autistic.  they could see that i was a bright kid, but in some subjects i did really badly. Because they didn't 'believe in' dyslexia, the only reason they could see for why i did badly in their subject was because i was lazy in their class ... which i guess they took as a personal insult. so to them i guess i deserved everything i got... 

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