BBC article about a neurodivergent LGBTQ+ club in London

I wonder if these exist elsewhere, or anything similar, whether just neurodivergent or plus LGBTQ+ ....

  • Excellent! 

    I  always found clubbing to be the most exhausitng experience and would usually shutdown for a few days after a night out. Eventually I just stopped going, it really was too much; the noise, the lights, the crowds, socialising, oh! and the smell of all those people in one room. Difficult indeed.

    I wish this venture well.


  • Yes, me too.

    Do you remember the places being full of heavy smoke?

    A wall of cigarette etc smoke as you walk in and then going home and your clothes stinking of it?

Reply Children
  • Oh yes, it was dense... just about everyone smoked. And, of course, it was hot and sweaty, but I had to try. Now I wonder how it would have been had I known I was neurodiverse... and NOT the local odd-bod I felt myself to be.

    Difficult nights, they were.
