I’m an autistic adult in a relationship with someone who also has autism

Hi I have autism and I have just started dating a guy who also has autism. I have been in a relationship before but my 42 year old boyfriend has not. I am worried about our relationship we have been friends for a few years now and we recently decided to start dating. I’m worried that I’m going to mess things up and lose someone I have been friends with for a long time. I worry that I might get controlling and clingy. Earlier on today I was feeling anxious and gave him a hard time I didn’t mean to do that I just needed someone to talk to and he didn’t seem to understand that I was upset. I just want to make our relationship work and I’m not sure how to do that. 

  • You say that you have been friends for years, so presumably, you already have a good understanding of each other.

    I feel I am the last person who should be offering advice on this topic. All I can say is to take it one day at a time and ensure you communicate as clearly as you can with him, to ensure that you're both on the same page.