Aspects of society

Has anyone else noticed, that society is getting more and more broken? 

odd behaviours

Compared to just three years ago, I have noticed such a decline. 

I guess it depends on where you live, and if your area has become like that. 

But even in other things, I have noticed that wrong has become right and right has become wrong. 

I guess I am looking here for some philosophical chat about these matters. 

Yes the post is slightly ambiguous but it is a broad subject with lots of facets to it, so this post is for broad debate and thoughts. 

The scholars, intellects and those that are thinkers  will certainly know 

I off course have hope for better things and things to one day mend

  • could be...

    or... perhaps the world was always broken and we only realise its broken when we grow up. but as kids we dont realise it and think its perfectly fine and also believe in proffesionalism and adults knowing what they are doing.. ofcourse when you grow up you realise all adults dont really know what they are doing and theres no true proffesionalism, everyone is still just like a child just winging it, but older. and we realise society is broken, while we dont see that as a kid as we think everything is running fine.

  • I was thinking just this a few days ago, thinking back to my childhood and all the things in the 80s and 90s that I was blissfully unaware of in my own little world. The limited exposure to world events compared to life as an adult is amazing - also the assumption the people were fair and played by the rules etc which i assume to be the total opposite these days. I don't watch TV or read papers or watch / listen to the news and haven't done for ages, but it all seeps in if you're online in any kind of way and also second hand from people who do watch the news etc.

    Things like social media exaggerate changes too. You won't hear that Mrs. Miggins went to town and back, had a lovely cup of tea and met up with some friends, but the one occasion something bad happens to her it is picked up and broadcast to thousands or millions of people. It didn't used to be like this (like I say I'm old enough remember the before Internet times). I got rid of all social media accounts about six years ago and only went back to it mid "lockdown" just due to the insanity of it all. I think the years without it were much better for me, I'm not sure why I still use it.

  • I was watching a gig from 1996 on youtube yesterday. I think people enjoyed themselves more then when there wasn't a)the threat of a camera phone being shoved in your face b)acting up to a camera, c)the distraction at the back of the mind of being photo'd etc. It changed when images no longer became a "way to preserve a memory" but a way to "share an experience". Everything is now conspicuous and I'm noticing it a bit n myself the more I engage on here which is the only "social media" I partake in. 

    I'm old enough to remember life before the internet.  No one is allowed to put a foot wrong nowadays. The internet and social media has become a way for people to get really angry really quickly and its a constant cycle which is fed by the media. We have for the most part, willingly and blindingly entered ourselves into 1984.

  • Your last paragraph is very very true.

  • When I was at the Gig, in Manchester, back in March everyone was either drinking or on their phone. It wasn't the same as before.

  • I agree. I find concerts these days quite sad, people are so busy videoing it on their phones that theyre not actually experiencing it. We are more interested in projecting an image of ourselves and our life than actually living our lives.

    No one is allowed to put a foot wrong nowadays. The internet and social media has become a way for people to get really angry really quickly and its a constant cycle which is fed by the media

    So true.

    On the plus side, I think the world is more tolerant of neurodiversity than it used to be. Although paradoxically there is more expectation to conform and less room for what used to be called "eccentricity"

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