Appointment with my MP re Access to health care for autistic people - UPDATE

Hi folks,

Further to my previous...

I saw my MP today. No magic answer re my issues, but I didn't expect him to have one.

I did my best to educate him about our barriers to getting through a doctor's door and making ourselves understood, etc.. Your overwhelming voice on e-mailing or texting for appointments was useful as an illustration of a little "reasonable adjustment" not all GPs will make because their training and that of their receptionists is so woefully inadequate that they are unable to recognise it as an adjustment they should make.

The MP said he will:

A) Write to the minister about the training for GPs and other medics, and lack of support for us to access health care

B) Write to the commissioning group for our area as to what is commissioned to support autistic adults without Learning Disability in health care settings.

I'll post a further update when he gets back to me with a response.

Meanwhile, thanks for your views expressed in my last post. They helped me think through the argument.