Sensory adventures

Do you enjoy stimulating one of your senses more than other ones?. Which one and how do you do that?

I enjoy tasting things. As a child I remember tasting soil and mixing it with chocolate and biscuits ext. As an adult I'd taste almost anything, it could be leaves or round colourful things from the trees, flowers, wood or chemicals. If it's possibly dangerous or not chewable, then I'd give it at least a lick. Tasting is such an adventure for me that I really enjoy. I remember it was one of the best parts of visiting the botanical garden.

Please share with me your sensory adventures Smiley

  • It is touch for me. It's also, unfortunately, a big sensory problem for for me, as touching certain textures is a nightmare, I feel physically ill and revolted, and the reaction can last for minutes.

    On the positive side some textures, like polished silver, some pebbles and polished hardwood are delightful to touch. One of my favourite sensory objects is a dress cane dating to 1925. It is made of polished rosewood, has a silver collar and the handle is a sphere of polished amethyst. Pity the fashion for carrying sticks, for those who do not need them for mobility reasons, has died out, otherwise I would hardly leave the house without it. I always want to touch objects in museums and art galleries, however this is frowned upon. A great place for the texture junkie is the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, where many pieces are outdoors and touchable.

  • Textures are a big problem for me unfortunately.

    I wear gloves most of the time as touching almost everything is a nightmare.

    Have you thought about going to charity shops? They have clothes and items you can pick up and look through if you want to ^^

  • I buy clothes largely through the feel factor. I have a lot of trouble with finding rainproof clothing I can stand, because nylon and many other man-made textiles are major sensory triggers for me.

  • Yeah. Well, this is one of the reasons online shopping doesn't work for me. I have to touch it before I buy it! 

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