Sensory adventures

Do you enjoy stimulating one of your senses more than other ones?. Which one and how do you do that?

I enjoy tasting things. As a child I remember tasting soil and mixing it with chocolate and biscuits ext. As an adult I'd taste almost anything, it could be leaves or round colourful things from the trees, flowers, wood or chemicals. If it's possibly dangerous or not chewable, then I'd give it at least a lick. Tasting is such an adventure for me that I really enjoy. I remember it was one of the best parts of visiting the botanical garden.

Please share with me your sensory adventures Smiley

  • Sounds for me. I can listen to instrumental music, listen to rain falling, trains going along the tracks.

    They give me a joyful tingle that makes me feel amazing and happy.

    I'll normally have my headphones in, even when I'm out, and I'll be listening to something that is both calming and joyful to me.

  • Possibly sound for me also. The audio world has given me so much, and sometimes you hear something so sublime it transports you to a place of all other sensations anyway. Though I’d certainly miss any of my senses if I lost one. Maybe the liminal zone where no one sense alone can account what you’re feeling is where the most transcendent experiences lie? 

  • The world of sound gives me so much enjoyment and peace so long as it's the right sound.

    When I've been suicidal it's helped me through those difficult times which I still face now. Just hearing the ocean is so gentle and melodious for me.

    If I had to choose a sense to lose it would be my sense of smell as I'm hyper sensitive to smells and they make me extremely nauseous, even flowers do which is a shame because I love flowers lol.

  • I'm sure it wouldn't be great to lose my sense of smell, but no phone means no listening to music when I'm outside, much harder to communicate with other people, much harder to navigate public transport and no playing a few minutes of a game on my phone when I feel overwhelmed.

    My mental health would be totally destroyed with no phone. And honestly no anxiety from strong food smells would be nice.

  • Am I allowed to buy a new laptop/phone? Because if not, that's absolutely no contest for me, sense of smell is gone. I've never been able to smell very well though. I can't recognise smells and choose foods based on their effect on my digestive system and ability to provide calories/nutrients rather than based on taste.

  • I'm sure they would change their minds if it meant they wouldn't enjoy eating food anymore.  Your whole sensory landscape changes when your smell is interrupted and it has a big effect on mental health.

  • True. I shouldn't take it for granted.

    At least I can smell. It's just it seems to be overwhelming no matter what the smell is. Maybe I just sniff really deeply or something lol XD

  • I've read something online (nothing strongly referenced tho, could be just online crap) that when a group of young people (up to 22 I guess or so) where asked if they prefer losing one sense or their laptop/phone, bigger percentage of them chose losing smell over losing their laptop/phone 

  • Do not underestimate what its like to lose the olfactory sense!

Reply Children
  • I'm sure it wouldn't be great to lose my sense of smell, but no phone means no listening to music when I'm outside, much harder to communicate with other people, much harder to navigate public transport and no playing a few minutes of a game on my phone when I feel overwhelmed.

    My mental health would be totally destroyed with no phone. And honestly no anxiety from strong food smells would be nice.

  • Am I allowed to buy a new laptop/phone? Because if not, that's absolutely no contest for me, sense of smell is gone. I've never been able to smell very well though. I can't recognise smells and choose foods based on their effect on my digestive system and ability to provide calories/nutrients rather than based on taste.

  • I'm sure they would change their minds if it meant they wouldn't enjoy eating food anymore.  Your whole sensory landscape changes when your smell is interrupted and it has a big effect on mental health.

  • True. I shouldn't take it for granted.

    At least I can smell. It's just it seems to be overwhelming no matter what the smell is. Maybe I just sniff really deeply or something lol XD

  • I've read something online (nothing strongly referenced tho, could be just online crap) that when a group of young people (up to 22 I guess or so) where asked if they prefer losing one sense or their laptop/phone, bigger percentage of them chose losing smell over losing their laptop/phone