Need advice please

Can someone please take the time to read this because I'm a bit stuck and need advice. Thank you. 

I started working at a local service who provided support for people with autism and learning disabilities. This has always been a massive passion for me. I have 6 cousins 1 of them being a boy who has autism and learning disabilities. From a very young age I was stopped by my own family from spending time with him, my own grandfather refused to accept he had a grandson. This was hard to accept as a child because all I could see was he looked different? But my eldest sister looked different to me to but I connected with them well. Probably the only people in my family. I started my career in supporting people with autism to be independent and I was to be taught about autism. I went to educate myself and my family after many years of being in dental that I had autism. Society is a terrible thing personal opinion. I lasted 8 years working in the most horrible condition having to watch the people I was supposed to be learning about and helped waisting away in front of my eyes for the most simple and I mean simple things, small changes to routine etc. Too many to mention. Saying training was basic is a absolute understatement. Shocking I wasn't even taught about autistic meltdown or autistic burnout. I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that their autism is being treated and behaviour problems and are actually being stopped from doing what they enjoy or major parts of their routine. The way they are treated is so disturbing and the people who work there have failed to see it. I'm so angry raged to have put my trust in a company to be educated to be able to do my job and be taught with such ignorance. I've handed over as much as I can to c.q.c and only hope they look into training. Unfortunately I'm too late with possessing all the information that I have collected over the years not from the company I worked for but by the wonderful people I was supporting. A BBC documentary and 20 minutes on YouTube. Shocking. My sister now has a form of dementia she has been so totally misunderstood her whole life and its Shocking that people still choose to turn away like its not their problem. I think I've got it all out, sorry if it's come across as a rant. I'm just passionate and it has pushed me forward to go for a diagnosis at the age of 56 lol after at first being told I was too old. When is too old? So I'm pushing on and I've had past colleagues and also people who are still working in the service message and congratulate me so maybe I am hitting on something? The sad thing is it's all women coming forward all ages all too scared to reveal themselves. I think this is so incredibly sad for this to happen. Maybe working at that service has completely driven me mad, all I know is since I left that building on the 3rd February I haven't been able to leave the house. I don't even know where I need to start now, I just feel exhausted and traumatised and I can feel it effected my physical health. I actually went for cancer screening November last year. Working in that atmosphere was terrible towards the end. I don't feel it's fair for a company to get away with treating people the way they do. Thank you if anyone reads this. 

  • Not too old to go for diagnosis. When I was assessed the Doctor said one of his recent clients was 76. 
    Your experience with that company sounds quite traumatic, and you have done what you can by whistleblowing to the CQC. Hopefully they will inspect with these concerns. 

  • When I walked out of that building and believe me it was hard, I thought I had anger issues due to me having no control over my anxiety. I was so frightened I was going to have a heart attack or something and have no choice but to cut off contact with my family. Because I couldn't think of any other options at that time. I thought I must have really bad mental health issues. I now understand and just having a little understanding has made such a difference to me. I'm petrified of people who see themselves as normal but I don't want to lock myself away forever. Thank you. 

  • When I walked out of that building and believe me it was hard, I thought I had anger issues due to me having no control over my anxiety. I was so frightened I was going to have a heart attack or something and have no choice but to cut off contact with my family. Because I couldn't think of any other options at that time. I thought I must have really bad mental health issues. I now understand and just having a little understanding has made such a difference to me. I'm petrified of people who see themselves as normal but I don't want to lock myself away forever. Thank you. 

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