Bring Back Aspie

So I really feel that the term Asperger's, although dropped for valid reasons, served a very real function within the community.

I of course understand why the grouping exists. But from a social stigma pov, I find it limiting to consider myself, who is fortunate to be a very adept and able high-functioning person, in the same category of autism as those who sadly are much less well functioning.

I'm sure it won't be popular to say it, but I feel I would certainly benefit from being considered an Aspie instead.

I'm interested to here why other people think about this?

  • Ooooh. Tough one.

    The term 'Aspie' sounds kind of pleasing until you look into what Herr Aperger was actually guilty of. Errr....not so cute sounding now! EEEK

    As for the groupings, I don't see myself as any different to others with substantial needs in living support.

    I may be fortunate in having a degree, a home, a job and all that, but put me in a medical situation and I am as so-called 'low functioning' as those of my autistic siblings without oral language or with other needs requiring significant support.

    Trouble is no one in the professions get that because I look so otherwise competent, educated and articulate.

    I don't see myself as any more or less autistic than anyone else. It's just that the impacts are different for each of us.

    I think I'll stick with the Term 'Autie'.

  • ...and I'll stick with the term 'Ben'.

    I think most of the ASD labels are widely misunderstood.

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