How are you repetitive?

I'm repetitive in the following ways

I wear the same clothes (bought extra of everything).

I wash my hands every ten minutes, to the dot. Never a minute early never a minute late. Started this at school.

I can watch the same film over and over. I know most of the lines, know what's coming but I never get tired of it.

Listen to the same songs and singers every day, usually in the same order.

Read the same books over and over.

Eat the same foods and drink the same drinks.

When I go for a walk I always go the same way each time. Prefer to follow route that I'm familiar with.

  • Repetitive thoughts which are quite often, not worry. They drive me mad due to the intensity. I accept it but this doesnt make it easier. Sometimes i would like to just give my head a break. Mindfulness helps a bit....I get that its a matter of attention but when it's going full pelt nothing will shift it. My mind feels full to bursting most of the time.

  • Yes, me too. It's a double edge sword. It helps me solve problems, but also makes it hard to switch off and relax. They can set the brain on fire.

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