Private Assessment

Hello everyone, 

I've been on this forum before but it's been a while. To cut a long story short. I'm on a NHS waiting list and it's been nearly a year now on the list and there's no sign anytime soon that the assessment will happen. I will probably have grey hair before it happens...just to lighten the mood!

Therefore, I'm looking at private assessments and could really do with any recommendations about good private providers.

I'm based in Cardiff  and I much prefer having a face to face assessment. I'd need persuading to do one online. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Shropshire Autonomy is a good place to start, I found Sara on this forum through recommendations of others using her service, I made the 2 hour drive from where I live to meet her, she has a wealth of experience and works with a psychiatrist who works for the NHS, straight up none of the fancy over priced packages, treated like an adult and the psychiatrist report is accepted by the GP if diagnosed. I was on a NHS waiting list but I didn’t have the patience or want to be assessed using the ADOS mod 4 test being an adult who is a working professional and educated at university level, didn’t think describing a story about frogs was going to tell them anything about the autism considering I have written dissertations….and the NHS don’t give you a choice on their assessment methods as far as I’m aware.

    Hope it helps. 

  • Just to echo this post I've booked my 21 Yr old daughter to see Sara as was recommended by many on here. She also offers online assessment if you don't want to travel and the process and costs seemed so much better then places closer to me.

  • I had my assessment with Claire Jack, an ADOS 2 practitioner a month ago. It cost £750

    I felt that she really understood me and the detailed report that she followed up with has been very enlightening and so helpful. 

    I’m really glad I contacted her. 

  • Hiya hope you don't mind me asking Was the report accepted by your GP as a diagnosis? I have been looking at two but need to make sure it's accepted as a diagnosis. Thankyou

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