Private Assessment

Hello everyone, 

I've been on this forum before but it's been a while. To cut a long story short. I'm on a NHS waiting list and it's been nearly a year now on the list and there's no sign anytime soon that the assessment will happen. I will probably have grey hair before it happens...just to lighten the mood!

Therefore, I'm looking at private assessments and could really do with any recommendations about good private providers.

I'm based in Cardiff  and I much prefer having a face to face assessment. I'd need persuading to do one online. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • I’d always suggest checking credentials, seeing if they specialise in ASD and try to speak to people that have been. You can sometimes get better regional responses by posting on local ASD Facebook groups. I would always recommend an in person assessment, that is made up of many factors, tests, questionnaires, observation and reasoning etc, that highlights your strengths as well as the deficits. Cost wise. This can range from £900 to £2000, so be sure to find a service and detailed assessment that reflects the cost. You can also expect a wait time for the better organisations, so if someone says they can see you in a week or two, don’t use them!

  • Thank you. Yes I have definitely taken your advice and asked these questions of the providers I have been in contact with so far. My research of at least 5 different providers so far found that around £2,000 is the going rate. All five different providers quoted me amounts within the £2,000-£2,200 pound range. 

    For me if I see all five providers charging roughly the same amount and have similar processes that adds to the reliability/validity and credibility of them. 

  • thats a bit expensive for anything to be fair. 
    id rather not be diagnosed in that case and buy a fully kitted out highest spec gaming pc for that instead lol

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