Private Assessment

Hello everyone, 

I've been on this forum before but it's been a while. To cut a long story short. I'm on a NHS waiting list and it's been nearly a year now on the list and there's no sign anytime soon that the assessment will happen. I will probably have grey hair before it happens...just to lighten the mood!

Therefore, I'm looking at private assessments and could really do with any recommendations about good private providers.

I'm based in Cardiff  and I much prefer having a face to face assessment. I'd need persuading to do one online. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • This is really useful advice. I've got my 23 year old son into the referral system here in Oxfordshire to find the wait list is..... THREE YEARS. We both had to read that several times to take it in. I've been recommended an alternative online service under Right to Choose but they seem to be overwhelmed too. I worry about paying for a service which won't be accepted by the NHS. 

  • This is really useful advice. I've got my 23 year old son into the referral system here in Oxfordshire to find the wait list is..... THREE YEARS. We both had to read that several times to take it in. I've been recommended an alternative online service under Right to Choose but they seem to be overwhelmed too. I worry about paying for a service which won't be accepted by the NHS. 

  • If its a psychiatrist/psychologist with all the credentials they will get accepted by the NHS - you need an assessment and that will be one less number on the waiting lists by going private, you are just accelerating the diagnosis process. I was worried if my GP would accept it too but he did, no questions and now its on my medical records.