Employers Attitude “Everyones a little autistic”

Currently I am struggling, probably going through a shutdown as people have noticed I’ve become withdrawn.

The cause of this is my employers, it has left me no choice but to look for another job. My manager changes my rota without asking which disturbs my routine, I am told I will never progress for promotion where I am due to my health issues although I haven’t asked for any workplace adjustments. I don’t get regular lunchtimes. When I confided in a senior at the company, he said “everyones a little autistic”.(I am a adult late diagnosed, whilst working for this company, HR never came to speak to me about it post diagnosis, pre diagnosis the HR Director said “autism is very common these days”).

I am told I should learn to adapt my autism to the work environment by a senior staff. By nature I am an introvert, and keep on getting told I need to be more outgoing and louder. As an employee my work is spot on they have no complaints I’m meticulous but I lack hitting the targets marginally and thats why I keep on getting threatened to be put on reviews, this induces anxiety and fear of losing my job. I work in a bright, noisy environment and have a customer facing job, I mask highly to get on with it, I am good at what I do, money is not the motivator, we are commission based with a basic salary. My motivation is the product I sell, its one of my special interests. 

Are there other autistics who have been dealing with discrimination, bullying, underestimation of intelligence or employers not caring ? 

Do you just leave and find elsewhere or challenge their ignorance and lack of training on neurodiversity?

  • oh yeah i get bad treatment from my supervisor but to be honest he treats everyone bad and tries to walk over everyone, he fires people as if laws dont exist. he fires people if he so much as doesnt like them, he forced this one guy to cancel all his medical appointments and said hed fire him if he doesnt... yeah my boss sucks, i reported him and got him told off and forced to apologise but his superiors totally limited the damage to just a apology when quite clearly i could have got him fired for his behaviour. hes been quiet and evasive since.

    but yeah hes always used changing my times as a weapon against me, day shift but now my start time is pushed to 4pm and i work through midnight on day shift lol i cant sleep very well as i get up early by my natural body clock and cant sleep longer than 7am. but i tolerate it as much as i can, somedays i feel like smashing my head into the wall repeatedly which is probably a common thought to have at work in jobs like these. 

  • oh yeah i get bad treatment from my supervisor but to be honest he treats everyone bad and tries to walk over everyone, he fires people as if laws dont exist. he fires people if he so much as doesnt like them, he forced this one guy to cancel all his medical appointments and said hed fire him if he doesnt... yeah my boss sucks, i reported him and got him told off and forced to apologise but his superiors totally limited the damage to just a apology when quite clearly i could have got him fired for his behaviour. hes been quiet and evasive since.

    but yeah hes always used changing my times as a weapon against me, day shift but now my start time is pushed to 4pm and i work through midnight on day shift lol i cant sleep very well as i get up early by my natural body clock and cant sleep longer than 7am. but i tolerate it as much as i can, somedays i feel like smashing my head into the wall repeatedly which is probably a common thought to have at work in jobs like these. 

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