How to you manage the comedown (or hangover) from a meltdown?

Hi All, 

A slightly less fun topic today. 

I've had a little bit of a meltdown this morning/afternoon and I always have such a strong emotional hangover afterwards which can impact the whole day (or even longer). It can make me susceptible to further meltdowns and is just, overall, a rather unpleasant experience. 

I wondered whether there were any tips and tricks you had to manage the comedown from your meltdowns. Please do let me know!

I've tried various things over the years including listening to calming music through headphones, baths, showers, reading, games, talking, not talking, sleeping, watching TV etc. etc. but have never seemed to be able to really do much to help. It might just be that nothing helps but well, thought I'd ask. 

  • That's very true! Managers are truly a pot luck. I had a terrible manager before who I didn't show emotion around at the start really and then I had a blip and they said 'its good to know you're human' then later I had several meltdowns (which I didn't know were meltdowns at the time, during mine I can cry a lot). I stopped the meltdowns for a short period then had another when stress kicked back up and she said 'I thought we got passed all the crying'. 

    I'm so sorry you were told off for crying at your desk though. That's truly uncompassionate.

  • Thanks, MD! I think that's a valuable lesson to learn. I've only recently realised that they are meltdowns and I still have a lot of shame from thinking I was a NT person over reacting or having strong emotional waves to things that didn't seem to bad to the outside observer. I absolutely hate crying in front of others too, I'm getting better, I think but it's very difficult. 

  • I am trying to teach myself to accept the fact that I will have meltdowns, but that they are a release of built-up tension, which is in the end maybe a good thing? Might not feel like it at the time, but it's my body and mind's way of dealing with stressful situations.

    Crying is the best stress reliever for me. Also trying not to feel ashamed when I cry in front of others.

    Hope you find what you're looking for.

  • Thanks, Ree! Always end up crying whenever I have a meltdown. I spoke to my partner and that seemed to help a little but then I went into a bit of a shutdown. I'm feeling much better than I was though my head feels a little distant and I feel quite spacy. Downloading a new game and hoping that will invite a bit more (positive) energy. 

  • I'm very sorry to hear this. Ok, I'm not sure how to help because I don't know how your emotional hangover looks or feels like. Emmmm does writing your thoughts down help?. I realized that having a mess in my thoughts bothers me as much as having a mess in my flat. Writing down could organise the thought, help with ventilation and in making decisions or answer questions like (what would help me in the next meltdown?). I personally find writing to be very helpful.

    Did you try physical? Bouncing or jumping in place for example?

    Crying helps me a lot too. I'd sit down and just focus on my body and the tears would fall down instantly and there's such a relief after that happens..

    I hope you get well soon!