Any last minute tips for getting my GP to take me seriously when asking for a referral?

I've got an appointment with my GP this afternoon to ask for an assessment referral for ASC. This is on the advice of my counsellor and a mental health nurse I've been speaking with through Occupational Health.

Going from advice on other threads I've looked at the DSM 5 criteria and looked at how I meet them, as well as doing the AQ test and several others, all of which show a strong likelihood of ASC. I've made a list/notes to go through as I find pressured conversations hard.

Is there anything else I should do/say? It's a telephone appointment.

I'm a nearly 40 year old woman who has spent most of my life masking it seems, with the usual consequences of that in depression and anxiety, as well as digestive and sleep issues, all of which have stopped me being able to work and live my life at various times, including at the moment.

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  • Happy to carry on talking, I'm sat here waiting for the phone call so I can't do anything else lol, I'm in holding mode. I've about chewed off the ends of my fingers and my spinner ring is getting a thorough workout.

    I'm articulate, educated and well prepared, but none of that seems to matter at this point, it certainly feels impossible.

  • This reply was deleted.
  • I'd like to know for my own acceptance as well, and also because I'm a yes/no person and this not knowing is anxiety inducing! Plus I have longstanding depression and anxiety, do they not think it would be helpful to know if there's a possible cause for that? That a diagnosis would change how I approach my mental health, which is a massive issue for me? He hadn't even read my recent medical history before calling me.