What advice would you give to your younger self?

This may be more appropriate for the older members, but younger ones may find it useful and may have some advice to give.

My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less compliant.

I think I have been quite easily manipulated during my life and if I hadn't been, my life would have taken a different course.

I have finally learnt to say 'no' and am trying hard to 'please myself'.

What about you?

  • I can only think of very negative answers to this.

    I would advise myself to get out more but at the time I did not feel like doing so.  

  • This is my trouble as well. It's easy to look back and think how differently I could have done things but if I could turn back the clock the chances are my anxiety would still dictate everything I did and thought and nothing would be done differently.

  • I've been in a very reclusive stage again for most of my 30's . I'm now 41 and I'm sure in ten years my current time in life will feel like a waste. But what can you do?  Apart from realise that you have Autism and be kind to yourself.

  • I've been in a very reclusive stage again for most of my 30's . I'm now 41 and I'm sure in ten years my current time in life will feel like a waste. But what can you do?  Apart from realise that you have Autism and be kind to yourself.

  • I was the same at 20.  But I did go on to have friends later in my twenties and in my early 30's. So there's hope for you yet.

  • But what can you do?  Apart from realise that you have Autism and be kind to yourself.

    This is a good point. Kindness to yourself is important. For me it's been the difference between being happy and miserable. I feel my life is a bit of a waste but I'm trying to make a positive impact while I'm here. I'm 20, reclusive and no friends.