What advice would you give to your younger self?

This may be more appropriate for the older members, but younger ones may find it useful and may have some advice to give.

My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less compliant.

I think I have been quite easily manipulated during my life and if I hadn't been, my life would have taken a different course.

I have finally learnt to say 'no' and am trying hard to 'please myself'.

What about you?

  • I've been pondering this one since yesterday and it has stirred up a fair bit of disquiet in me. I think I'm still very angry at my younger self.

    I think the best piece of advice I could give myself is not to take other peoples attitudes, actions and reactions personally because all of these things are not about you, they are about them and what they are going through and what's going on in their heads. Don't do what you think other people want or expect you to do, do what you want because you want to do it for yourself. This is advice that I'm currently trying to follow Laughing

  • I've been pondering this one since yesterday and it has stirred up a fair bit of disquiet in me. I think I'm still very angry at my younger self.

    I think the best piece of advice I could give myself is not to take other peoples attitudes, actions and reactions personally because all of these things are not about you, they are about them and what they are going through and what's going on in their heads. Don't do what you think other people want or expect you to do, do what you want because you want to do it for yourself. This is advice that I'm currently trying to follow Laughing

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