What advice would you give to your younger self?

This may be more appropriate for the older members, but younger ones may find it useful and may have some advice to give.

My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less compliant.

I think I have been quite easily manipulated during my life and if I hadn't been, my life would have taken a different course.

I have finally learnt to say 'no' and am trying hard to 'please myself'.

What about you?

  • My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less complian

    Same. I think mine would be to care less what people thought of me. Also to not follow the crowd and take time to figure out who I was. I got myself into some really stupid situations following the crowd

    Mainly I wish I had known I was autistic, it would have made everything make sense

    However I beleive God has a plan for everyones life and I think I am right where I was meant to end up now 

  • My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less complian

    Same. I think mine would be to care less what people thought of me. Also to not follow the crowd and take time to figure out who I was. I got myself into some really stupid situations following the crowd

    Mainly I wish I had known I was autistic, it would have made everything make sense

    However I beleive God has a plan for everyones life and I think I am right where I was meant to end up now 

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