What advice would you give to your younger self?

This may be more appropriate for the older members, but younger ones may find it useful and may have some advice to give.

My really big one is I wish I was less of a 'people pleaser', less compliant.

I think I have been quite easily manipulated during my life and if I hadn't been, my life would have taken a different course.

I have finally learnt to say 'no' and am trying hard to 'please myself'.

What about you?

  • i dunno, i believe everything i did was the right choice in the moment. id have done nothing different even if i had told my younger self. my actions were in the moment and based on feelings of what felt correct. and i never really had anyone in my life to interact much with aside from my parents and i did what i wanted rather than what they demanded so i lived fully by my own influence and ideals.

    if i did go back in time and tell my younger self something id probably expect my younger self to ignore it and maybe resist and do the opposite lol probably wouldnt be able to contact my isolated younger self if i went back anyway and id ignore this weird stranger trying to speak to me. too inward focused to be reachable.

    id suggest doing martial arts earlier. but maybe that wouldnt be right... because if i forced myself to do it too early before i naturally went for it and felt appropriate then it may instead cut my time short in it, put me off or maybe i wouldnt throw myself into it with as much passion and motivation as i did when i naturally took it up.... everything you do you do at the right time. any earlier your not in the right place for it to make it stick or have as good a effect.

  • i dunno, i believe everything i did was the right choice in the moment. id have done nothing different even if i had told my younger self. my actions were in the moment and based on feelings of what felt correct. and i never really had anyone in my life to interact much with aside from my parents and i did what i wanted rather than what they demanded so i lived fully by my own influence and ideals.

    if i did go back in time and tell my younger self something id probably expect my younger self to ignore it and maybe resist and do the opposite lol probably wouldnt be able to contact my isolated younger self if i went back anyway and id ignore this weird stranger trying to speak to me. too inward focused to be reachable.

    id suggest doing martial arts earlier. but maybe that wouldnt be right... because if i forced myself to do it too early before i naturally went for it and felt appropriate then it may instead cut my time short in it, put me off or maybe i wouldnt throw myself into it with as much passion and motivation as i did when i naturally took it up.... everything you do you do at the right time. any earlier your not in the right place for it to make it stick or have as good a effect.

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