Emotions - delayed processing!

Has anyone else noticed that they process emotions differently than neurotypicals seem to?  I find that emotions take longer to sink in, my reactions are slow and delayed.   This applies for good and bad things - I just don't feel things for a while, then it might hit me out of the blue - or not at all.   

One of the things that I really dislike is being asked how I feel - cringe!  I don't always know, so when someone asks I'm scrambling to figure it out quickly, or I just make something up that sounds plausible.  ;) 

Anyone else have similar experiences? 

  • Now I wonder, does this delayed response happen in each and all situations or is there a pattern or a certain "topic" like anything related to family for example, that delays the response?

    For me, sometimes I just know that something that happened now did upset me or gave me a negative feeling, but it takes few days to process or simply understand why or what am I feeling (maybe I'll never be able to name it tho) but it definitely takes days to make some sense of it. Sometimes I feel nothing at all and few days later I'd notice that I started to become upset about it. I think that in third type of situations I could, to some extent, tell that "what just happened now made me feel sad/happy". I can see that there's no rule to how I process emotions that applies on every case. It's like I need to categorise them because the reaction can be different. 

  • Now I wonder, does this delayed response happen in each and all situations or is there a pattern or a certain "topic" like anything related to family for example, that delays the response?

    For me, sometimes I just know that something that happened now did upset me or gave me a negative feeling, but it takes few days to process or simply understand why or what am I feeling (maybe I'll never be able to name it tho) but it definitely takes days to make some sense of it. Sometimes I feel nothing at all and few days later I'd notice that I started to become upset about it. I think that in third type of situations I could, to some extent, tell that "what just happened now made me feel sad/happy". I can see that there's no rule to how I process emotions that applies on every case. It's like I need to categorise them because the reaction can be different. 

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