Emotions - delayed processing!

Has anyone else noticed that they process emotions differently than neurotypicals seem to?  I find that emotions take longer to sink in, my reactions are slow and delayed.   This applies for good and bad things - I just don't feel things for a while, then it might hit me out of the blue - or not at all.   

One of the things that I really dislike is being asked how I feel - cringe!  I don't always know, so when someone asks I'm scrambling to figure it out quickly, or I just make something up that sounds plausible.  ;) 

Anyone else have similar experiences? 

  • I had similar experiences with emotions delayed.

    People ask me are you working?

    How do you support yourself?

    Do you want to work?

    Where you do yoga?

    Was I furloughed?

    Do you work at the library/charity shop?

    Tried to explain million times and still don't get the message. Takes a while to answer. Tell them I belong to a group and show them a leaflet.

    Few days later...repeat the cycle. I've had pen friends who vanished in to thin air. They're not responding to my letters. Polite way is to say can't be in touch anymore. Really want to send a final letter to one of them.

    I've noticed that the post isn't pushed through the letter box.

    That's why I belong to the forum. Safe place and deleted my social media accounts. 

  • I had similar experiences with emotions delayed.

    People ask me are you working?

    How do you support yourself?

    Do you want to work?

    Where you do yoga?

    Was I furloughed?

    Do you work at the library/charity shop?

    Tried to explain million times and still don't get the message. Takes a while to answer. Tell them I belong to a group and show them a leaflet.

    Few days later...repeat the cycle. I've had pen friends who vanished in to thin air. They're not responding to my letters. Polite way is to say can't be in touch anymore. Really want to send a final letter to one of them.

    I've noticed that the post isn't pushed through the letter box.

    That's why I belong to the forum. Safe place and deleted my social media accounts. 

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