News story about a young autistic woman 'stuck' in a general hospital

Very sad news story about a young woman 'trapped' in my own local general hospital, Queen Alex.

The government says its ambition is to halve the number of autistic people and those with a learning disability in mental health hospitals by March 2024. A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson added that this is backed by extra funding and "our action plan to improve community support and reduce over-reliance on mental health hospitals".

  • makes you feel sick.

    I'm wholly against detaining patients who aren't a risk to the public for any length of time precisesly for this reason and a slew of others, even if someone is at risk to themselves it's not illegal or immoral to be a risk to yourself, it's your life your choice imo using guilt to shame and manipulate people who are suffering to live being miserable against their will, not saying stand by and do nothing or assist them in the doing, but that "think of the inconvenience/upset you'll cause others" is not helping their mental health it's just being toxic and making them feel like the way they feel doesn't matter (as if their self esteem hasn't already fallen through the floor) it's not helping them feel valued or heard which is a keystone to rebuilding mental health and prevent the attempt at (you know what) by fixing the problem at it's cause not just treating the symptoms. It's also disgusting how patients rights to autonomy, bodily or otherwise get so easily cast aside when they have mental health issues.

  • this really made me cry today. She shouldn't be in there and she needs the kind of autistic-led eating disorder help that I saw a specialist talking about on the recent Christine Mcguiness documentary.

  • I have just read the article, the hospital stay was obviously a very traumatic experience for Molly.

  • The only way forward is to separate Autism from Mental Health.

    Too much bureaucracy, which ultimately killed the NHS. It should be dealt with by voluntary organisations. The State is indebted up the eyeballs. 

  • Absolutely disgusting. Especially in this day and age. I've been there, it is not pleasant at all and makes you never want to seek support again. 

  • confine a person in a state of torture and wonder why they get 'upset'.  the NHS is only good at the things that make significant news ... so maybe this will spur some improvement.