Lonely but don't like people

Does anyone else feel like I do?
I feel lonely and desperate for friends to talk to but at the same time I don't like having to talk to people and I want to be at home with just me and my family and shut the world out and not have to see anyone or text anyone

It feels like quite a contradiction but so does much of my life

Also, I think its hard for me as I feel I can't truly be myself with most people, especially NT's 

  • I wouldn’t say that I’m lonely and I don’t like interacting with people. I would say that I’m lonely and the people around me I struggle to relate to and often find quite boring.

    it’s extremely difficult to make a connection with another human being unless you can find something you both find interesting to talk about. And sometimes the more you talk to people and discover what it is they are interested in the more you realise they are truly boring people and the less motivation you feel to push through and continue talking to them.

    I think people seem to forget that the special interest thing in autism goes both ways. It’s not just a special interest in one or two things it’s also those things that we are not interested in we are totally disinterested in. Like we display anti-interest to certain, things quite a lot of things, that sit outside of our special interests.

    that to make it hard to find common ground with Neurotypical, socially. I can make it hard to find common ground with autistic people whose special interests are completely dissimilar to our own.

  • I wouldn’t say that I’m lonely and I don’t like interacting with people. I would say that I’m lonely and the people around me I struggle to relate to and often find quite boring.

    it’s extremely difficult to make a connection with another human being unless you can find something you both find interesting to talk about. And sometimes the more you talk to people and discover what it is they are interested in the more you realise they are truly boring people and the less motivation you feel to push through and continue talking to them.

    I think people seem to forget that the special interest thing in autism goes both ways. It’s not just a special interest in one or two things it’s also those things that we are not interested in we are totally disinterested in. Like we display anti-interest to certain, things quite a lot of things, that sit outside of our special interests.

    that to make it hard to find common ground with Neurotypical, socially. I can make it hard to find common ground with autistic people whose special interests are completely dissimilar to our own.

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